Enterprise Backup Solution

Carbonite is a professional data backup and recovery solution built for companies of various sorts and sizes. Carbonite can be implemented ”on premises”, in the cloud or in a hybrid system.

The services available within Carbonite are data backup and recovery to and from the cloud, endpoint protection, as well as data replication to another location that the company's offices.

The solution allows for automated data backup to widely used platforms - Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, Oracle etc.

EBM - E-Novator Backup Management

A budget solution for small businesses

EBM - e-Novator Backup Management
If a company can't afford a complete backup solution, we also offer a simpler option, but just as safe.

EBM is a backup solution that allows for complete data saving from your computers (PC's, servers) to a location you can configure yourself.

EBM is programmed on the computer where you want the backup procedure to take place. You can back up the data locally, on a separate storage system, or remotely, on a system accessible through a secured file transfer protocol (SSH, FTPS, VPN etc).

The solution has the advantage of an admin console that shows you in real time which systems are up-to-date and which systems need backing up.

The console sends notifications to the users informing them when they need to leave the computer on for the backup procedure to take place.

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